Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama Acts “Stupidly”

It’s high-time that Obama revealed his race-baiting self, he probably couldn’t help himself.

After 20+ years of hearing Jeremiah Wright’s race-baiting, kill the white man, God-Damn’ America rhetoric it was only a matter of time before Barack Hussein Obama revealed his own racist thoughts.

news-general-20090723-US.Obama.Harvard.Scholar.PoliceIs anyone surprised that Obama would side with his friend, Henry Louis Gates Jr. over the Boston Police?

You mean you didn’t know that Gates was a friend of Obama? Allow us to clue you in.

Gates befriended Obama while Obama attended Harvard and was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. 

Over the years, Gates would provide contacts within political activist and “community” organizations for Obama.  Gates was also a contributor to the Obama campaign both for the U.S. Senate and for Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign.

Obama’s remarks today saying “the police acted stupidly” was in fact Obama defending a friend.

A friend that happens to be a race baiter in the same cloth as Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

To demonstrate exactly where it is the stupidity lies in this situation,  here are the arrest reports which clearly show Gates being belligerent with the police from the get-go and escalating the situation beyond control in order to deliberately get himself arrested.

The fact is this: Sgt. James Crowley is an honorable policeman with a spotless record, who also happens to be the Boston Police Adademy’s expert on Racial profiling.  This is clearly a man who knows what to, and what not to do.

After reading it’s clear to see who was acting “stupidly.”

BTW, Obama you ignorant asshole, “stupidly” isn’t a word.  Moron. (And here you Obamanuts thought Bush was stupid.)

(Click on the images to see full-size version.)

(Upate: Link to Original Report)

Gates Arrest Report

Gates Arrest Report 2 Gates Arrest Report3

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