Saturday, October 24, 2009

No Free Lunch

The True Cost of ObamaCare Finally Released

Higher Taxes, lower wages, fewer jobs, lower standard of living, and less freedom.

While I’ve said these things repeatedly here on the blog and elsewhere (ie: chat) the above are the conclusions of a study by the National Center for Public Policy Research, policy analyst Matt Peterson.

In a just released report titled: No Free Lunch: The True Cost of ObamaCare”, Peterson concludes “Instead of providing ‘affordable’ health care for everybody, ObamaCare will in fact lead to dramatically higher health insurance premiums, higher taxes, reduced Medicare benefits, lower wages and fewer jobs for low and middle-income Americans.”

Quoting the report:

Higher Taxes - ObamaCare would be paid for with massive tax increases, amounting to an estimated increased tax burden of $2.3 trillion in the coming decades.

Lower Wages/Fewer Jobs - New taxes and fees imposed on businesses by ObamaCare would result in fewer jobs and lower wages for low- and middle-income workers.

Standard of Living - The massive government spending required would explode the federal deficit with ruinous consequences for every American's standard of living.

Medicare Benefits - ObamaCare aims to pay for itself, in part, with hundreds of billions in devastating cuts to Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

Privacy - ObamaCare regulations would result in a larger, more powerful IRS and ensure that more personal information is shared with more people.

Your Freedom - ObamaCare would require, under threat of penalty, every American to have insurance whether they want or need it.

Peterson’s report confirms what the Congressional Budget Office’s findings last month which estimated that ObamaCare would explode the Federal Deficit by another $1.5 TRILLION dollars a year, continuing as far as the eye can free lunch

For those who advocate for a ‘single payer’ system or ‘government option’ I have a question for you:  The Obama Administration promised last month that there would be 120,000,000 doses of H1N1 flu shots available by this time.  This morning, CNN and MSNBC (both “Obama Approved” media outlets) reported that less than 3,000,000 shots were available for the general public.  Given the Federal Government’s “stellar” job in getting less than 3,000,000 shots available to the public, what in the blue hell makes you think they can deliver health care effectively?

You who have eyes, do not see that the Federal Government is oft the problem, and never the solution.  Reagan was right – again.


Gallup: 61% of American’s Think Obama Nobel Undeserved

Why those RACISTS!  How *DARE* they think Obama didn’t deserve his Nobel Peace Prize!  Obama worked very hard his first 11 days in office to earn the nomination, and just look at the results he’s delivered since his time in office.

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