Thursday, November 12, 2009

ACORN Sues Federal Government

Says Congress Has ‘No Right’ To Cut Off Funding

They must be getting their legal advice from the Obama Administration as you just know Obama wants to keep using ACORN to intimidate voters and get his “health care reform” package passed.

From Reuters on today’s newswire:
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The scandal-hit liberal grass-roots group ACORN sued the U.S. government on Thursday, saying it did not have the right to cut off ACORN's federal funding because the group had not been convicted of a crime.

The U.S. Congress voted in September to cut off federal money to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), after conservative activists secretly filmed employees in several cities giving tax and housing advice to a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute.

"It's not the job of Congress to be the judge, jury, and executioner," said Jules Lobel, an attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, which brought the case in Brooklyn federal court.

"We have due process in this country, and our constitution forbids lawmakers from singling out a person or group for punishment without a fair investigation and trial," Lobel said.

Republicans have long accused the group of fraud in registering voters and improperly mixing political and nonpolitical activities. They say it has received $53 million in federal money since 1994.

ACORN, which has also suffered an embezzlement scandal involving the founder's brother, has separately sued the makers of the videos.
The lawsuit seeks a temporary restraining to prevent the Congress from reallocating funds designated for ACORN.

Beyond its voter registration drive, the group promotes affordable housing programs for lower-income people, offers tax counseling and has aggressively fought home foreclosures.

Editors Note: Last time we checked, it was Congress’ job to allocate or de-allocate funds for various Federal priorities such as National Defense, Highways, Bridges, etc.. so I had to laugh out loud at the statement “Congress has no right to be the judge, jury and executioner” as it pertains to cutting off ACORN’s funding.
But now just who is the “Center for Constitutional Rights?”  Here’s who:

  • Founded in November, 1966 by left-wing radical attorneys Morton Stavis, Ben Smith, Arthur Kinoy, and none other than William Kunstler himself – all longtime members of the Communist Party and radical left.  (Note: Kinoy and Kunstler are well known for their pro-Cuba and pro-Castro politics.”
  • Clients of the “Center for Constitutional Rights” have historically included the Communist Party, the Black Liberation Movement, the Black Panther Party (led by Congressman Bobby Rush, IL) and the infamous Leonard Peltier, an “American Indian Rights Activist” who brutally murdered two FBI agents in 1975, and is serving a life sentence for.
  • Major Issues espoused by the “Center for Constitutional Rights” include alleged illegal detention at Guantanamo, “Social Justice”, “Corporate Human Rights Abuse”, “Racial, Gender and Economic Justice” and most famously its lawsuits in Federal Court in the 1960’s that the VietNam war was “unconstitutional and criminal in nature.”
  • CCR is also a member of the “Open Borders Lobby” which advocates for unchecked and unlimited immigration, and files countless lawsuits yearly on behalf of convicted felons for “prisoner rights.”

A more left-wing organization to represent ACORN could not possibly be found.  Best of luck with the lawsuit, boys. (/sarc)


Obama: We’ve Created or Saved One Million Jobs

And He’s Cut Taxes On The Middle Class!

Right, and I’m Superman.

Now think for a minute: if it were true that Obama’s spending more than a TRILLION of our taxpayer dollars had actually created one million jobs, would the unemployment rate have gone UP again for the 10th straight month in a row?

Obama promised the “economic stimulus” plan would create 3.7 million new jobs and keep unemployment below 8%.  Instead Obama’s mismanagement of our tax dollars have lost 3.6 million jobs and caused unemployment to peak over 10% for the first time in nearly 30 years!

And just where are these “middle class tax cuts” that Obama says have been enacted?  If anything, Obama’s proposed health care reform would be the single largest tax HIKE in the history of the country, far surpassing Bill Clinton’s 1993 tax hike.

Once again, Obama is a damn’ liar.  The only question is how many knee-pad wearing sycophants still believe his bullshit?

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