Sunday, July 6, 2008

Where Was Barak Obama The Sunday After Sept. 11, 2001?

As Barak Obama himself likes to say, "It's about judgement."

So where was Barak Obama the Sunday after September 11th, 2001? Was he at Trinity United Church of Christ, listening to this "sermon" from a hate-filled, racist "Pastor" named Jeremiah Wright, or wasn't he?

As we now know, Barak Obama could no longer "disown" Jeremiah Wright, his spiritual mentor than he could the crazy uncle every family has.

Oh wait, yes he could. Six weeks to the day after saying he would stand by his friend Jeremiah Wright, he threw the good pastor under the proverbial bus.

Along with his own White Grandmother. I'm sure she was proud.

But none of this belies the question of where was Barak Obama the Sunday morning after September 11th, 2001? Was he in the pews of Trinity United Church of Christ listening to this anti-American, race-baiting "Pastor" or not?

Barak, we're waiting for your answer.

It's about judgement you know.

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