Sunday, September 19, 2010

Desperate Democrat: Debbie Halvorson, IL 11th Congressional District

Left-Wing Loons Gone Mad

Debbie Halvorson is a first term Democrat Congresswoman from Illinois 11th Congressional District and she’s struggling to keep her seat.

Her poll numbers have fallen so far, so fast that she’s been slinging the word “Nazi” around to describe her opponent, Repulican Adam Kinzinger.

Kinzinger for his part is a decorated war veteran of the Iraq war with an honorable service record, and he’s endorsed by the Illinois Tea Party and leads in the local polls 45% – 35% with 13% undecided.

Perhaps this clip will help the “undecideds” make up their mind, this is from Wednesday, Sept. 15th.  Pay attention to the clip, there’s a quiz at the end.

Do you know who the people in this sign are?  I do.

The woman holding the “Nazi” sign is Halvorson’s campaign manager, Anna Murkowski.  Murkowski joined the Halvorson for Congress campaign earlier this year after having served as Barak Hussein Obama’s Deputy Regional Field Director in the state of Missouri.  Yes, she’s a “carpetbagger.”

Another woman, identified in the Halvorson store-front campaign headquarters is Julie Merz, who was just recently the Deputy Director of “Member Services” on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s staff.

When asked during their little “rally” if the “protesters” were there to support Debbie Halvorson, the protesters denied they were, instead claiming they were there to “expose” the Tea Party.

If they weren’t there in support of Democrat Debbie Halvorson, then why did they return to Halvorson’s campaign office with their signs to meet with Julie Merz, the former Deputy Director from Nancy Pelosi’s staff?

Here’s your astro-turfing, folks.  Complete with Nazi accusations and propaganda, all sponsored by Debbie Halvorson, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party.

Howard Dean: We Never Have To Answer Questions!

Some video’s just speak for themselves, this is one of them.  Watch as former DNC Chairman and Presidential Candidate Howard Dean describes how Democrats never have to answer questions posed to them – and get away with it.

These filthy low-life scumball Democrats may think they don’t have to answer to us, but they damn’ sure will on November 2nd!

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