Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Democrats Rushing Through Another Power Grab

Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) Guarantees New Voters

While the immigration and cap and trade wars rage in Washington this week, quietly moving through the House of Representatives this week is yet another Democrat piece of stealth legislation aimed at making more Democrat dependent voters, cementing the Democrat’s death-grip on America.

The Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) would force Puerto Rico to vote on U.S. statehood every 8 years, until statehood is accepted.

Not only is Puerto Rico already a fully-functioning democracy, but it has also repeatedly rejected attempts to turn it into a U.S. state, for decades.

But still, desperate to create new Democrat voters and elected officials, the left is now aggressively setting the stage for the creation of a 51st state.

Due to its dense population of poverty-stricken minorities, Puerto Rico can be counted on to vote overwhelmingly for Democrats and all their handouts, and their representation will also consequently outnumber that of 25 other existing U.S. states.

Puerto Rican’s have an average income of less than half of America’s poorest state, and would become instantly eligible for all Welfare Programs, including newly passed ObamaCare.  Additionally, by Federal Law, billions of dollars would be perpetually dumped into the territory to bring its infrastructure, power and sewer systems up to US EPA standards.

Yet another Democrat power-play to cement their death grip on America at the expense of those of us who work, produce, and pay our taxes, and all this is going on behind the scenes while the media pays attention to Arizona.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Obama Plays The Race Card

20 Years of Listening to Jeremiah Wright Comes Home to Roost

Sometimes, you just have to let someone’s words and actions speak for themselves.

Obama, the Democrats and the Lamestream Media try to label the Tea Party Movement as racist, yet it is the Democrats and “Dear Leader” Barack Obama who can not look outside of the prism of skin color.


Geithner Never Had a Real Job

Well this certainly explains the mis-management of our money and the Treasury Department’s constant printing of money now doesn’t it?

Real Clear Politics captured Geithner on CNN admitting he never had a “real job.”

Gosh, golly, oh gee … sure could’ve fooled us.

Click Here to see the clip on RCP.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama Administration Caught Lying in Blagojevich Case


PHOTOS: Blagojevich CroniesFormer governor Rod Blagojevich's defense team asked Thursday to issue a trial subpoena to the President of the United States of America.

The motion, intended to be heavily redacted, was improperly edited -- the full document was easily viewable if the text is copied and pasted to another document.

Below, the six revelations the redacted portions were meant to conceal, and these have huge implications to the Obama Presidency.

1. Obama may have lied about conversations with convicted fraudster Tony Rezko

Blagojevich's lawyers allege that Rezko admitted breaking the law by contributing "a large sum of cash" to a public official. Blagojevich's attorneys say that public official is Obama. Obama said that Rezko never relayed a request from a lobbyist to hold a fundraiser in favor of favorable legislative action. But the point may be moot: regardless of Obama talking/not talking to Rezko, Blagojevich's attorneys say that Obama refused the request regardless.

Redacted portion: However, the defense has a good faith belief that Mr. Rezko, President Obama’s former friend, fund-raiser, and neighbor told the FBI and the United States Attorneys a different story about President Obama. In a recent in camera proceeding, the
government tendered a three paragraph letter indicating that Rezko “has stated in interviews with the government that he engaged in election law violations by personally contributing a large sum of cash to the campaign of a public official who is not Rod Blagojevich.

Further, the public official denies being aware of cash contributions to his campaign by Rezko or others and denies having conversations with Rezko related to cash contributions. &hellip Rezko has also stated in interviews with the government that he believed he transmitted a quid pro quo offer from a lobbyist to the public official, whereby the lobbyist would hold a fundraiser for the official in exchange for favorable official action, but that the public official rejected the offer. The public official denies any such conversation. In addition, Rezko has stated to the government that he and the public official had certain conversations about gaming legislation and administration, which the public official denies having had.

Redacted footnote: The defense has a good faith belief that this public official is Barack Obama.

2. Obama may have overtly recommended Valerie Jarret for his Senate seat
Blagojevich's defense team basically alleges that Obama told a certain labor union official that he (Obama) would support Valerie Jarrett's candidacy for the Senate seat. Jarrett, referred to as "Senate  Candidate B", is now a senior advisor to the president.

Redacted portion: Yet, despite President Obama stating that no representatives of his had any part of any deals, labor union president told the FBI and the United States Attorneys that he spoke to labor union official on November 3, 2008 who received a phone message from Obama that evening. After labor union official listened to the message labor union official told labor union president “I’m the one”. Labor union president took that to mean that labor union official was to be the one to deliver the message on behalf of Obama that Senate Candidate B was his pick. (Labor union president 302, February 2, 2009, p. 7).

Labor union official told the FBI and the United States Attorneys “Obama expressed his belief that [Senate Candidate B] would be a good Senator for the people of Illinois and would be a candidate who could win re-election. [Labor union official] advised Obama that [labor union official] would reach out to Governor Blagojevich and advocate for [Senate Candidate B].. . . [Labor union official] called [labor union president] and told [labor union president] that Obama was aware that [labor union official] would be reaching out to Blagojevich.” (Labor union official 302, February 3, 2009 p. 3).

3. A supporter of President Obama may have offered quid pro quo on a Jarrett senate appointment
Redacted portion: Supporter of Presidential Candidate Obama is mentioned in a phone call on November 3, 2008, having offered “fundraising” in exchange for Senate Candidate B for senator (Blagojevich Home Phone Call # 149).

4. Obama maintained a list of good Senate candidates
Redacted portion: President-elect Obama also suggested Senate Candidate A to Governor Blagojevich. John Harris told the FBI and the United States Attorneys that he spoke to President’s Chief of Staff on November 12, 2008. Harris took notes of the conversation and wrote that President’s Chief had previously worked as Blagojevich's press secretary. Obama agreed of Staff told Harris that Senate Candidate A was acceptable to Obama as a senate pick. (Harris handwritten notes, OOG1004463) President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI that “he could not say where but somewhere it was communicated to him that” Senate Candidate A was a suggested candidate viewed as one of the four “right” candidates “by the Obama transition team.”

5. Rahm Emanuel allegedly floated Cheryl Jackson's name for the Senate seat

Redacted portion: President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI that he had a conversation discussing the Senate seat with Obama on December 7, 2008 in Obama’s car. President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI “Obama expressed concern about Senate Candidate D being appointed as Senator.

[President’s Chief of Staff] suggested they might need an expanded list to possibly include names of African Americans that came out of the business world. [President’s Chief of Staff] thought he suggested Senate Candidate E who was the head of the Urban League and with President’s Chief of Staff’s suggestion.

6. Obama had a secret phone call with Blagojevich
Redacted portion: President-elect Obama also spoke to Governor Blagojevich on December 1, 2008 in Philadelphia. On Harris Cell Phone Call # 139, John Harris and Governor’s legal counsel discuss a conversation Blagojevich had with President-elect Obama. The government claims a conspiracy existed from October 22, 2008 continuing through December 9, 2008.6 That conversation is relevant to the defense of the government’s theory of an ongoing conspiracy. Only Rod Blagojevich and President Obama can testify to the contents of that conversation. The defense is allowed to present evidence that corroborates the defendant’s testimony.

If this had been George W. Bush lying about a Senate Seat, the lamestream media would be all over it 24x7 until they brought his Presidency down.  As it is though, Obama’s in big trouble here folks, he lied about material facts of an investigation pertaining to corruption in Illinois, specifically as it pertained to the “sale” of his Senate seat.  The facts are getting out despite the media’s best attempts to cover this up.

Hang on, more coming!

Related Links:

CBS-2 Chicago News Report: http://cbs2chicago.com/video/?id=70371@wbbm.dayport.com

Blagojevich Busted: http://cbs2chicago.com/governor/blagojevich.obama.subpoena.2.1650066.html


Can’t Blame Bush Anymore ….

A new Fox News/Pew Research poll shows that 66% of American’s want Obama to take responsibility for the mess this country is in, and stop blaming Bush.

Seems America has awaken from its slumber and sees Obama for what he is …

Saturday, April 17, 2010

One in Three American’s Fail To Return Census Forms

Census Bureau Mails Second Form To Non-Responsive Addresses

The New York Times reports this morning that 33% of all homes that received a census form have failed to complete and return the forms.

All the PSA’s in the world about “if you’re not counted, your community won’t get it’s fair share” aren’t going to change the fact that in increasing numbers, American’s are sick and tired of Government intrusion into their daily lives and refusal to comply with the Census process is but one way we’re expressing our dissatisfaction.

I received the first form and promptly threw it in the garbage.  Same with the second form I received last week.  If the bureaucrats that run our Government are too stupid to realize it’s none of their damn’ business about who lives in my house, for how long and what “race’ they are, and they’re dumb enough to send a “census worker” to my home you can probably guess where the census worker is going to end up (and it’s a small garbage can, btw.)

Tea Party Crasher Arrested in San Diego

This is what happens when you’re dumb enough to announce your intentions (ie: crashing the Tea Parties) and are dealt with in an intelligent manner.

Kudos to the San Diego Tea Party organizers for being alert for just this type of situation, and dealing with it accordingly.

There’s about a minute of “dead air” in the video, watch for the arrest of the protester in the last ten seconds or so.


Obama Mocks Tea Parties

Says We Should “Thank Him” For Lowering Taxes

Clearly Obama’s delusional in demanding American’s “thank him” for lowering taxes when clearly the opposite is true.

There are more than 25 new taxes totaling more than $650 billion dollars in the new “ObamaCare” that just passed, how are those “tax cuts?”

Perhaps we should thank Obama for actually raising Health Care premiums, as the OMB and independent analysis has finally concluded that “ObamaCare” does nothing to lower premiums and in fact raises them for those with insurance.

Perhaps we should thank Obama for taxing health care benefits, making them less affordable for middle-income and low-income American’s.

Or perhaps we should thank Obama for all the taxes he’s raised on this poor sap without his knowledge.

Gotta love the Obama-Bots.  They really don’t have a clue, and reality doesn’t seem to matter to them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jon Voight Unloads on Obama

A Three Minute Rebuke of a Failed Presidency

I’m not a fan of Mike Huckabee, I don’t watch his show.  Frankly, I think the guy’s a shyster thus my nickname for him “Hucksterbee.”

So when this clip was brought to my attention this morning I didn’t pay much attention to it, after all how “serious” could this be?  It’s the milquetoast “Hucksterbee” show and here we have just another hollywood actor espousing his political views.  Gee, where have we heard that before?

But I acquiesced to the cajoling of an online friend and I watched it.  I found myself cheering.  Voight spoke for me and likely millions of other American’s across the country and in the Tea Party when he mercilessly told Obama of his failures as President.

In this video, Voight calls out Obama’s use of Saul Alinsky tactics, feeding America “poison” and offered words of encouragement to those in the Tea Party movement across America urging them to remain ever vigilant.

Again, I’m not a fan of Hucksterbee but I have to give him credit for allowing Voight to use airtime to read his letter when Hucksterbee himself didn’t know what was in it.

I find it hard to thank a hollywood actor for speaking for me, but in this case it’s well deserved.  Thank you Jon Voight for speaking for me last night. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

87 Dead After Polish President Lech Kaczynski's Plane Crashes in Russia

Plane carrying Polish leader Lech Kaczynski, his wife and other officials crashes while landing in Russia

Fox News, excerpted:

MOSCOW - Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife diedimage Saturday along with 130 others when their plane crashed while coming in for a landing in western Russia, officials said.

The governor of the Smolensk region, where the crash took place about 11 a.m. (0700 GMT), said no one survived.

"The Polish presidential plane did not make it to the runway while landing. Tentative findings indicate that it hit the treetops and fell apart," Sergei Anufriev said on state news channel Rossiya-24. "Nobody has survived the disaster."

The Polish foreign ministry confirmed that Kaczynski and his wife were aboard the plane.

The head of Russia's top investigative body, Sergei Markin, said there were a total of 132 people on the plane, a (Russian) Tu-154.

Kaczynski was flying to Russia for events marking the 70th anniversary of the massacre of thousands of Polish officers by Soviet secret police in Katyn and elsewhere during World War II.


Update: 7:04AM CST

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has just announced that he will setup a Government Commission to investigate the crash of Polish President Lech Kaczynski’s plane, which occurred moments before it was scheduled to land.

Heading up the “Government Commission” will be none other than …. wait for it …. Vladimir Putin.

Lech Kaczynski was no friend of Putin, which will tell us much about the “results” of this “investigation.”

Hate to brag on myself, but I nailed it 90 minutes ago with my original thoughts below…..

Editors Note: Those of you who’ve read my blog for awhile know I’m no conspiracy theorist, so I went and looked up the safety record of the TU-154 and discovered some things that alarmed me:

  • The majority of these planes were built during the Communist Era of the USSR, and are in the 30-40 year old range.  This means they’re operating at the limits of their operating potential, meaning everything has a lifespan.
  • The Tu-154 still comprises the majority of the former eastern Communist Block’s airline fleet, including that of Russia itself.
  • The Tu-154 is banned from flying into, and landing in several European countries due to known and unspecified safety deficiencies.
  • In the past few years, Tu-154’s flown by post Soviet era countries have gone down for a number of reasons including terrorist attack, air traffic mistakes, “accidental shoot downs” and a myriad of other “unspecified reasons.”
  • Also in the past few years, of all airline incidents in the former Communist block, the Tu-154 accounts for 10% of all crashes and mishaps, that’s a highly disproportionate number.

While Russian “Officials” say it’s too soon to pinpoint the cause of the crash, I have what I believe is a simple question: Given Russia’s (and Vladimir Putin’s) desires to re-constitute the former Communist block, is it really a coincidence that a plane carrying more than 100 Government Officials from Poland crashed while landing in Russia?

Polish President Lech Kaczynski was an ardent anti-Communist and outspoken friend of the United States.  He was harshly critical of Barack Obama’s “decision” to rescind on America’s promise to deploy the missile defense system in Poland.

This morning America lost a very good friend in the former Communist block, and Poland unfortunately has taken a step back towards Soviet style Communism.  Kaczynski was seeking a second term against Parliament speaker Bronislaw Komorowski, the candidate of Tusks’ governing Civic Platform party, which has Communist leanings.

Again, I’m no conspiracy theorist, but this seems to fit a pattern of what happens to Putin’s “enemies” and political opponents, and is well too timed to cause turmoil in Polands upcoming elections, potentially returning the country to the path of Communism.

Why Are Major U.S. Banks Buying U.S. Treasuries?

And Why Aren’t They Lending To Small Businesses?

Via Fidelity.Com

An analysis by a primary dealer in the U.S. Treasuries market shows that domestic banks could account for a large increase in direct bidders for government debt.

The presence of direct bidders, one of three main categories of participants at Treasury auctions, has increased during recent auctions of securities.

Primary dealers, the banks and investment firms (That’s Wall Street, folks!) authorized to deal directly with the government and help the Federal Reserve carry out monetary policy, have fretted over the unpredictability of the direct bid, as well as the paucity of information on the identity of the bidders.

A report from Nomura Securities analyzing the Treasury Department's investor allotments and auction data theorizes that domestic banks account for part of the increase in direct bidders.

"With banks still reluctant to lend and the saving rate on the rise, bank assets have been shifting from loans to securities, benefiting from the steep curve," wrote George Goncalves, a fixed income strategist at Nomura.

Treasury data shows banks increased their purchases of longer-dated Treasuries just as the percentage of direct bidders began to increase.

The department, which is aware of the identities of bidders but does not disseminate the information, welcomes the added participation in auctions as the government continues to issue new debt at a breakneck pace.


Editors Note: Let me de-geek the banking speak for you since I happen to work in the banking industry, albeit not at a Wall Street firm.

First, large U.S. Banks have taken “hits” from the Obama Administration for not lending money to small businesses that need credit and cash flow to stay in operation, and consumers thus causing the economy to further collapse.  If small businesses cannot get credit, they can’t expand or hire.  If consumers cannot get credit, they don’t spend if they don’t have the cash on hand.  In large measure, this holds back our economy as 70% of all spending is consumer driven.

Second, the U.S. Government is openly welcoming large U.S. Banks (and by the way, Wall Street Investment Firms/Banks that it blames for the financial crisis in the first place) buying U.S. Treasuries as the Obama Administration continues to print money to pay for its socialist programs.

Third, the large U.S. Banks that Obama is blaming for not lending money are not only funding Obama’s socialist programs – which he needs them to do -  are making between 3% – 3.5% on their return for buying those Treasuries that fund Obama’s socialist agenda!

Now ask yourself this question: If the Banks are going to make a safe 3% to 3.5% return on their investment with no risk, just why in the world would they incur any risk at all by lending to small businesses and consumers in a weak economy?

If you haven’t figured it out by now, let me explain it to you: Obama’s wild spending spree has caused this problem and that he’s deferring the blame for a problem he largely helped to create on the very institutions he needs to fund his socialist programs.  By doing so, he’s further hurting our economy, driving up unemployment, and fast-tracking this country to economic ruin.  At the same time, yet another major transfer of wealth is actually being given to large U.S. banks and Wall Street investment firms in what will ultimately be a failed attempt to stave off economic ruin.  Incurring all this debt with no way to pay it back – whether to the Chinese, our own banks, Wall Street or the Fed Reserve – ultimately leads to an economic implosion like nothing this Country has ever seen.   

Ronald Reagan once said, Government is often the cause of a problem, and never the solution for it.  Clearly we have a case of that here.


Stupak “Retires” From House

Claims Tea Party Didn’t Influence Decision

Dear Mr. Stupak, you lied to the American People when you said that you’d never back a “health care reform bill” that contained taxpayer funding for abortion.  You lied to the American people about your principles and convictions.  You lied to the American people about being pro-life.

U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak talks to a supporter Friday at Northern Michigan University after saying he won't seek a 10th term in Congress. "I wanted to leave a couple of times," Stupak said.   (BRIAN KAUFMAN/Detroit Free Press)Why should we believe you know when you say that the Tea Party Movement in Michigan didn’t influence your decision to retire from the House of Representatives rather than face the voters of your district?  The fact is this: you’re lying Mr. Stupak, and here’s the proof.

Your Republican opponent Dr. Dan Benishek received just over $250,000 in donations the day you caved and announced your vote in favor of ObamaCare.

At the same time, support for Benishek’s campaign surged so much, it was registering a new volunteer every 30 seconds his campaign office was open.  That support continues to this day.

The Tea Party movement sponsored some $250,000 in television ads opposing your re-election once you announced your traitorous vote against the unborn.  You were no longer able to hide your betrayal of the unborn, or your self-professed Conservative principles.

Support across Michigan’s 1st Congressional District, especially across the Upper Penninsula cratered to less than 20% within the week of your betrayal.

Fact is Bart, you knew you couldn’t win again, and that’s why you’re dropping out.  Without the eastern Upper Penninsula and down to Saginaw Bay, you were toast and you know it.

As far as this writer is concerned, good riddance you pro-life traitor.  Each and every child who’s aborted from this point forward has you to thank, and their blood is on your hands, Mr. Stupak. 

Live with that.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It’s Time To Engage

When They Come After Your Way of Life

The Government has taken away our soap box, making “free speech” something of a near distant past. 

The Ballot Box has been rigged against us producers, as there are far more government moochers at the welfare teat who simply out vote us and take away from the fruits of our labors.

The jury box no longer works with liberal judges packing the court.

We are down to the ammo box.

The Government has come after our way of life and declared WAR against the American people by seizing our Banks, the Car Companies and now the Health Care System.

The line is being drawn, enough is enough.

When the ballot box no longer counts, the ammo box does.

What’s in your ammo box?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter


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When Liberals Blather

Obama’s 17 Minute Response To A Voter Who Complains Of Being Over-Taxed

There’s an old saying that goes something like “sometimes it’s better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought of a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”

Surely we have a fool running this country, and here’s the proof.

No teleprompter, no brain.  That’s obvious here.  Such idiotic, incoherent responses that aren’t even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought just makes everyone in the room dumber for having listened to it.

And yet, somewhere Obama-Nuts are still declaring this guy the smartest President ever.  May God have mercy on their souls.


Look Out Below!!

CBS News Poll Finally Tells The Truth

The latest CBS News Poll, conducted between March 29 and April 1, found Americans unhappier than ever with Mr. Obama's handling of health care - and still worried about the state of the economy.

President Obama's overall job approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 44 percent, down five points from late March, just before the health bill's passage in the House of Representatives. It's down 24 points since his all-time high last April. Forty-one percent of those polled said they disapproved of the president's performance.

By the way, it continues to fall after “Health Care Reform” passed. 

In his home state of Illinois (of which yours truly lives..) the news is slightly worse making return trips home doubtful for the messiah.

Obama’s approval in Illinois is 46.5%, his disapproval rating is 49.5% with 3.8% undecided. 

Poor Barack Hussein Obama!


Graphic of the Week

when did we vote for communism