Monday, March 15, 2010

Update: Pelosi Backs "Slaughter Rule"

This just in from David Horwitz's NewsReal Blog:

Speaker Pelosi Endorses “Slaughter Solution” to Ram Through Senate Health Care Bill Without a House “Vote” The Speaker’s Justification: “No One Wants to Vote for the Senate Bill.”

Laced with political payoffs, taxpayer funding for abortions, job-killing tax hikes, and huge Medicare cuts, the American people strongly oppose the President’s plan for a government takeover of health care.

Nonetheless, senior Democrats are preparing a pathway to ram the bill through the House without an actual “vote”: the Slaughter Solution. Under this scheme, concocted by the chairwoman of the powerful Rules committee, Louise Slaughter (D-NY), a procedural gimmick would be employed to “deem” the Senate bill passed without ever having a straight up or down vote.

(Excerpted, click link above to read entire article)

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