Wednesday, August 4, 2010

MO Voters Reject Obama

State Nullification Movement Gains Momentum

The “Show Me” state just showed ObamaCare the door yesterday. 

obamacareBy a 75% to 25% margin, voters in Missouri told the Obama Administration and the Federal Government to piss off by approving Proposition C – The Health Care Freedom Act.

Life is beautiful, even if just for today – Obama’s alleged birthday.

The law states:

No law or rule shall compel, directly or indirectly, any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in any health care system.


A person or employer may pay directly for lawful health care services and shall not be required by law or rule to pay penalties or fines for paying directly for lawful health care services. A health care provider may accept direct payment for lawful health care services and shall not be required by law or rule to pay penalties or fines for accepting direct payment from a person or employer for lawful health care services. image

This is a flat-out rejection of ObamaCare by the Voters of Missouri.   The principle behind the legislation passed and approved by the voters is that of State Nullification.  When a state “nullifies” a federal law or mandate, it is effectively stating that the federal law violates States Rights as defined in the United States Constitution, and is therefore “null and void” within the boundaries of that state.

The legislation also means that the full force of the State will be used   to protect the rights and liberties of its states’ citizenry from harm against the Federal Government should it try enforcing the law within that state. 

Voters in Virginia, Idaho, Louisiana and Utah have already passed their own “Health Care Freedom Acts” also nullifying ObamaCare in those states.  Arizona and Oklahoma are scheduled to vote on it this November, while movements are afoot in at least 20 other states to do the same.

Happy Birthday Obama!  How’s that “Hope and Change” working out for you?


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