Friday, February 18, 2011

Obama Wants Riots In Wisconsin

Folks, it's simple: the 2012 elections are playing out in the streets of Madison, Wisconsin.

Obama's support for the union's yesterday, decrying the "destruction of the unions" was nothing less than setting the table for 2012, telling those of us who do not have a cushy over-paid government job exactly what the price of "resistance" towards Obama's policies would be: union thuggery in the streets.

Make no mistake about it, I'm exactly right on this one (as I typically am ...)


Anonymous said...

cleary you are wrong since they are about people taking away workers benefits, and their union rights to bargain for it. I would be curious to hear where you are getting your information from because it's clearly not based in fact

Anonymous said...

Here's the fact, dumbass: Public Unions having collective barganing agreements directly with the State and Federal Governments, who both dip directly into taxpayer pockets equals a corrupt relationship.

BTW, those of us who work in the private sector don't have "collective bargaining" to dip into YOUR Pockets do we? So how is collective bargaining fair to the taxpayers when the public unions are directly responsible for re-electing the same people who give them their generous benefits, that those of us in the private sector will never have?

Oh, you must be a GOVERNMENT WORKER aren't you?

NoBamaNation said...

" I would be curious to hear where you are getting your information from because it's clearly not based in fact"

And yet, you failed to name a single fact published in the article that was wrong.