Saturday, September 8, 2012

How Obama, Axelrod Forced Gallup To “Fix” Unfavorable Poll

Gallup Polling Firm Threatened By Obama White House

In Mid-April, a Gallup poll showed Mitt Romney leading Obama by 48-43 percent.  Obama campaign advisor David Axelrod publicly questioned the methodology of the Gallup poll and summoned the Gallup folks to the White House.

A not so subtle “threat” according to internal Gallup and White House emails published earlier this week.

The Daily Caller website published the emails after Axelrod sent a “tweet” saying the Gallup poll was “saddled with some methodological problems” and directing followers to a National Journal story in which a professor suggested outdated sampling.

According to the email chain titled “Axelrod vs. Gallup,” the White House in addition asked that a Gallup staffer “come over and explain our methodology,” which was apparently perceived as a subtle threat.

A Gallup official said in an email he thought Axelrod’s pressure “sounds a little like a Godfather situation.”

Readers may recall it was shortly after Axelrod and Obama summoned Gallup to the White House that the “Justice Department” led by Eric Holder suddenly started an investigation into Gallup in late April, claiming that Gallup had improperly charged the Federal Government for polling work. 

Coincidence?  We think not.

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